In the first two minutes of the film "Reservoir Dogs" by Quentin Tarantino it has the classic old style of a movie opening. This would be to place the credits before the film itself, usually following a short introduction scene. In this case the opening scene is of the main characters leaving a diner. After the this scene the directors name is shown which in this case it is Quentin Tarantino. The actors names appear underneath a close up shot of each character as they walk down a street to help show who is who. Following this the title appears above all the charactes as they reach the end of the street. And finally as the scene comes to an end there is a black screen with more of the cast and prudction companies and also sound/film editing crewss listed. Also the director makes use of non diegetic sound, this is the music he had chosen to go over the top. The director also uses known songs and artists instead of composing music specifically for the film.

However in the film "Avengers Assemble" the opening two minutes are significantly different. This is becasue instead of showing any of the cast, it shows each main characters special item that is related to them in some way along side the actors name. Also in the majority of films that have been made the main title will be placed right at the start of the film, where as in films produced by Marvel studios the title of the film is placed at the end. Along with the computer edited sequence of the super hero's items there are major editing teams and costume designer names. The use of placing all the different hero's items all in the same sequence helps the film portray all the characters from each individual film in the franchise that they are from.

For this films beginning two minutes they place the title at the start. The title is presented in red in a font that is bold and slightly grim looking. This helps to portray the film as a horror as the colour red in this case it implies the themes of fear, anger, violence and alert. The colour and style of the font used in the main title is seen throughout the rest of the opening credit sequence. Along with the bold credits, they have used computer edited horror themed sequences to help back up the expected genre of the film.
Whilst all the cut scenes are rolling there is some non-diagetic sounding over the top. This is some music in the style of a classic horror styled film (gloomy, scary, slow styled music). This also helps to build the intensity of the film that of which is coming shortly after this sequence.

In the first two minuets of the title sequence of the film "MacGruber" it shows a variety of different cut scenes which help to portray the films genre. There are different scenes showing different shots of key items that would be found in an inventory of a secret agent. The shots also capture specific detail about the main character, such as a close up of the characters profile and photographs of him. Following this there is a scene of him defusing a bomb which also helps portray the line of work the character is in. This is eventually followed by the title of the film in an explosion caused by the failure to defuse the device. All these scenes help to represent the films genre which is a comedy. The mistakes that the character made when defusing the bomb helps show the funny side to the situation. Along with this there is a scene before hand of the character playing a saxophone in a passionate manner, this in my thoughts was a bit random and helps to contribute to the element of comedy within the film.
Along side all these scenes they placed credits of all the names of the lead actors and directors along with the production companies, they used a bold military styled font which also helps show that the film is about someone in the services line of work.
Over the top of all these short cut scenes there is some non-diagetic sounds, this was the sound track that was playing all the way through the title sequence. The music was composed specifically for this film. There were also a few diagetic sounds within the sequence such as explosions, the sound of a bomb beeping away and also the everyday sounds of someone filling away files.

For the film "Machete" the opening sequence is styled a little different to others, instead of using normal image or clips they have used edited images and styled the editing in the style of a cartoon image. Using brightly lit colours and different colours for different characters. The use of different colours for each character could suggest the type of character it is, for example red could be for a dangerous or maybe a passionate character depending on the context and genre of the film. The title sequence also shows all the lead actors and the characters they are playing within the film. They have used a bold western style font as the film is based in the area of south America and helps to set the scene for the film. The music is non-diagetic and is in the syle of a heavy rock guitar, this also contributes to helping to portray what type of genre the film is which in this case it is an action. Along with this there are a few sound effects edited in, these are the sounds of guns fireing and blades clashing. These sounds help to represent what the film is all about, blades clashing helps represent the title "Machete" which is a type of blade.